Monday, June 4, 2007

Spokane...on the way to the Oregon coast

I flew into Spokane and spent a few days with fellow artist Linda Besse before we started our road trip to the coast of Oregon where we were to do demonstrations at the Keep It Art Sea Gallery for the Memorial day weekend. She lives outside of the city high in an animal rich, wooded area. Wild turkeys did their best to entertain us. We gobbled back and forth and they answered. Little quail had me laughing.

A close neighbor has a lovely herd of Fjord horses. This stallion was most impressive!

Keep It Art Sea Gallery in Lincoln City Oregon

The Gallery in Oregon held an open house event over the Memorial Day weekend and a number of the artists came to do demos of their work. It was a productive event and I have a good start on this little colt. It's 10"H,7 3/4" L and 7"W. I also took time to visit the Soda Creek Gallery in Sisters, Oregon that also carries my work.

On The Oregon Coast

Linda Besse (fellow artist) and I had too much fun exploring the Oregon coast from Lincoln City down to Newport. We got wonderfull reference of birds and seals. While exploring tide pools a sneaker wave got me!